Fly Killers Lamps

Fly Killers Lamps

Browse our range of fly killer lamps. These blue light lamps are designed to attract flying insects towards them and in turn into either a glue trap or an electrified field. A Fly Killer lamp works by using a special light source that emits low level UV light which the insects find hard to resist. Here at Lamp Source we stock a range of the best fly killer lamps on the market.

Wemlite | U-Shaped Fluorescent 25w 4-Pin Blacklight-368
U-Shaped Fluorescent 25w 4-Pin Blacklight-368
Qty in stock: 1

Code: 30931 Wemlite

Modified | 30772.42 1C8/2 | T5 Fluorescent 12" 15w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
T5 Fluorescent 12" 15w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 0

Code: 30890 Modified

Modified | Compact Fluorescent Stick 13w ES Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
13W CFLi Stick ES Blacklight Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 3

Code: 30885

Wemlite | T8 Fluorescent 2ft 18w Blacklight-368
T8 Fluorescent 2ft 18w Blacklight-368
Qty in stock: 20

Code: 30883 Wemlite

Pro-Lite | PLEC/13W/ES/INS | CFLi STICK 13W/BL368 ES 2 LOOP
13W CFLi Stick ES Blacklight
Qty in stock: 39

Code: 30820 Pro-Lite

Wemlite | T8 Fluorescent 13" 10w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
10W T8 13" Blacklight Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 5

Code: 30792 Wemlite

Wemlite | T8 Fluorescent 18" 15w Blacklight-368
15W T8 18" Blacklight
Qty in stock: 102

Code: 30752 Wemlite

Wemlite | T8 Fluorescent 18" 15w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
15W T8 18" Blacklight Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 13

Code: 30722 Wemlite

Lamp Source | U-Shaped Fluorescent 30w 4-Pin Blacklight-350
U-Shaped Fluorescent 30w 4-Pin Blacklight-350
Qty in stock: 1

Code: 30447

Lamp Source | U-Shaped Fluorescent 8w 4-Pin Blacklight-350
U-Shaped Fluorescent 8w 4-Pin Blacklight-350
Qty in stock: 3

Code: 30249

Wemlite | Circular Fluorescent T9 8" 22w Blacklight-368
22W T9 8" Circular Blacklight
Qty in stock: 8

Code: 30730 Wemlite

Wemlite | Circular Fluorescent T9 8" 22w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
22W T9 8" Circular Blacklight Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 6

Code: 30705 Wemlite

Osram | 4008321 198990 | DULUX L 18W/78 (LL18WX-O)
18W CFL L 4 PIN Blacklight Blue
Qty in stock: 2

Code: 30709 Osram

Wemlite | Compact Fluorescent Single Loop 36w 4-Pin Blacklight-368
36W CFL L 4 PIN Blacklight Blue
Qty in stock: 13

Code: 30751 Wemlite

Osram | 4052899 125094 | DULUX S BL UVA 9W/78
9W CFL S 2 PIN Blacklight Blue
Qty in stock: 14

Code: 30729 Osram

Osram | 4052899 037885 | S 11W/78 G23 UVA (LL11WX-O)
11W CFL S 2 PIN Blacklight Blue
Qty in stock: 4

Code: 30761 Osram

Wemlite | U-Shaped Fluorescent 25w 4-Pin Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
U-Shaped Fluorescent 25w 4-Pin Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 18

Code: 30786 Wemlite

Lamp Source | U-Shaped Fluorescent 25w 4-Pin Blacklight-368
U-Shaped Fluorescent 25w 4-Pin Blacklight-368
Qty in stock: 1

Code: 30931

Lamp Source | T5 Fluorescent 6" 4w Blacklight-368
4W T5 6" BL368 Blacklight
Qty in stock: 14

Code: 30773 Unbranded

Wemlite | FT004BL | T5 Fluorescent 6" 4w Blacklight-368
4W T5 6" BL368 Blacklight
Qty in stock: 5

Code: 30773 Wemlite

Wemlite | T5 Fluorescent 9" 6w Blacklight-368
6W T5 9" BL368 Blacklight
Qty in stock: 28

Code: 30774 Wemlite

Sylvania | F11WT5/BL368 (LS11WX-S) | T5 11w/BL368 9"
11W T5 9" BL368 Blacklight
Qty in stock: 12

Code: 30746 Sylvania

Wemlite | LS08WX-W | T5 Fluorescent 12" 8w Blacklight-368
8W T5 12" BL368 Blacklight
Qty in stock: 529

Code: 30763 Wemlite

Wemlite | T5 Fluorescent 12" 8w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
8W T5 12" BL368 Blacklight Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 46

Code: 30775 Wemlite

Wemlite | T5 Fluorescent 12" 15w Blacklight-368
15W T5 12" BL368 Blacklight
Qty in stock: 4

Code: 30772 Wemlite

Wemlite | 3508  (LS10WX-W) PC151121 | T8 Fluorescent 13" 10w Blacklight-350
10W T8 13" Blacklight
Qty in stock: 118

Code: 31019 Wemlite

Sylvania | F20W/T12/BL368  (LS20WX-S) | T12 20w/BL368 2'
T12 Fluorescent 2ft 20w Blacklight-368
Qty in stock: 0

Code: 30668 Sylvania

Sylvania | F20W/T12/BL S/P QUANTUM(LS20QS
T12 Fluorescent 2ft 20w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 31

Code: 31110 Sylvania

Sylvania | F40W/2FT/BL368 (LS40WX-S) | T12 40w/BL368 2'
T12 Fluorescent 2ft 40w Blacklight-368
Qty in stock: 3

Code: 30764 Sylvania

Sylvania | F40W/2FT/BL368 - S/P(LS40WS-S | T12 40w/BL368 2' S/PROOF
T12 Fluorescent 2ft 40w Blacklight-368 Shatterproof
Qty in stock: 23

Code: 30765 Sylvania